Lock the Gate Alliance has welcomed an announcement by the NSW Greens that they will introduce a Bill to prohibit unconventional gas development and called on all political parties to work together to act on the State election mandate to hit pause on the dangerous industry.
Lock the Gate Alliance Northern Rivers Coordinator Dean Draper, said, “We welcome renewed political attention to coal seam gas, and the Greens’ initiative to introduce law to prevent further expansion of this industry.
“The first order of business when the new parliament sits next week must be decisive action to protect the Northern Rivers from unconventional gas, and a response to the parliamentary committee report that recommended no further coal seam gas be contemplated until the Chief Scientist’s recommendations are fully implemented.
“The State election was a referendum on coal seam gas in the Northern Rivers, and there is no mistaking the result. The people don’t want it, and in a democracy, that should count for something: if the law is not capable of protecting the public, then the law must be revised.
“We encourage the Greens and all political parties that have expressed concern about this industry to work together to secure protections for communities facing coal seam gas development, along with a process to begin broader, state wide mining reform.”