In its report released on Monday afternoon, the Department acknowledged that this project had little support in the local community, with strong and widespread opposition to the project from the majority of the community, the Council and local community groups.
Lock the Gate Alliance spokesperson, Georgina Woods said, “This is a common sense decision: it was never a good idea to dig an open-cut coal mine right on Gloucester’s doorstep and subject people to the air and noise pollution mines create.
"We welcome this balanced decision by the Department of Planning and congratulate the people of Gloucester who have rallied together to protect the quality of life and environment of Gloucester.
The decision about whether the mine will proceed will be made by the Planning Assessment Commission, taking the Department’s recommendation into account.
"Gloucester is a beautiful town, brimming with natural assets and community spirit. We urge the Planning Assessment Commission to quickly act on this recommendation and reject the mine so that the community can move forward and make a future that is not polluted with coal dust.
"More broadly, communities should not be subjected to ten years of fear about the prospects of a coal mine on their doorstep. We know that coal mines create particulate pollution that is very damaging to people’s health. New South Wales needs clear set-back distances to protect towns like Gloucester from these inappropriate mine proposals.”