Peabody Energy’s subsidiary Wilpinjong coal has applied for a new coal exploration licence to open up more land next to Wollar village to coal mining.
Help the community save the last intact landscapes of Wollar and stop further coal expansion in New South Wales by lodging a submission against the licence.
Send an email to the Manager Titles Assessment via [email protected]
Include your name and address in your objection and make sure you clearly say that you object to the granting of Exploration Licence Application 6415 to Wilpinjong Coal Pty Ltd.
Tell them about why the area is not appropriate for coal exploration:
- Object to a coal exploration licence being granted within 500m of Wollar village over 1670 ha of grazing and cropping country, bushland and creeks
- There are significant Aboriginal cultural heritage sites in the Wollar area particularly near creeks and rock overhangs, including artwork, ochre quarries, scar trees and artefact scatters.
- There are critically endangered ecological communities in the application area, including remnants of Box Gum Woodland and derived native grasses.
- There is habitat for many endangered bird species including the critically endangered Regent Honeyeater and threatened bird species reliant on native grass seed.
- There is habitat for Koala in the Wollar area.
- Wollar and Wilpinjong Creeks are within the application area with alluvial aquifers associated with surface flows. Many springs occur in the surrounding landscape.
- The northern section of the application area is adjacent to Goulburn River National Park.
- Wollar Village is the access point for visitors to the Goulburn River National Park. The exploration area within 500m of the village covers scenic landscape views.
- Object to any new coal resources being released in NSW.