ACLAND ACTION: Open Letter to Deputy Premier, Steven Miles
The big fight, the final fight for Acland, is starting now. Can you sign on to our letter to the Minister and Coordinator General asking them to recommend against the project?
Who's signing
Laurence Sanders
Geralyn McCarron
Catherine T
Janis Cooke
Sarah O'Neill
Bill Dodd
Judy Wallace
Sean Corrigan
Dawn Williams
Annabelle Clucas
Chuck Rooskov
Jeff Urquhart
Jan Lawless
Jenni Sharpe
Maynard Heap
Judith Corner
Ross Hunter
Vince Collis
Tanya Moon
Mary Abbot
Barry Rosenberg
Peter Duffy
William Farnsworth
Ghar Rich
Cheryl Peiffer
Laura Mcgillivray
james richardson
Cheryl Tonkin
Sherrie Eveans
Raymond Young