ACLAND ACTION: Open Letter to Deputy Premier, Steven Miles
The big fight, the final fight for Acland, is starting now. Can you sign on to our letter to the Minister and Coordinator General asking them to recommend against the project?
Who's signing
Diane Edwards
Velda Chaplin
Michelle Ready
Wendy Daveson
Annemarie Dickson
Valerie Lawrence-Slater
Gaye Hall
Sonya Burey
Alison Myors
Judy Rofe
Robert Birse
june norman
Beverley Graham
Tamara Lay
Dereka Ogden
Jill Byrnes
Margaret Airoldi
Geoffrey Kuhn
Stephanie Thuillier
Diaane Jordan
Wayne Marthick
Scott Marold
Beverley Flegg
Jennifer Dickson
Snow Maurice
Edward Griffin
Jon Rottman
Q Cutler
Richard Clarke
Dianne Vavryn