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Councils move to ban CSG drilling on agricultural land

The Lock the Gate Alliance has welcomed a motion calling for a ban on coal seam gas drilling on agricultural land being put before the National General Assembly of Local Governments in Canberra today.

The motion, from the Griffith City Council, calls on the federal government to intervene and ban all csg activities in order to protect the national interest and Australia’s ability to continue to produce clean safe food.

The motion follows similar calls from 53 individual councils and two council representative bodies across three states.

The councils are concerned at the possible contamination of agricultural land and water resources by csg and other unconventional gas mining activities.

National coordinator for Lock the Gate Phil Laird said the latest motion demonstrated the strength of across-the-board opposition to csg and other unconventional gas mining.

"This move, to seek increased federal oversight, comes just as the federal government has sought to gut the water trigger on gas projects, effectively handing it back to the states," Mr Laird said. 

 “From the Limestone Coast in South Australia to the inner city councils of Yarra in Melbourne and Marrickville in Sydney; from Newcastle to Moree Plains; Wyong to Wagga Wagga; Mount Gambier to Byron Bay; the people are saying 'No' to csg.

“It is time our government listened to this movement that just keeps building.

“Regional Australia is on the front-line in this battle to save our water resources and our valuable agricultural land and landholders and other residents are clearly demonstrating their opposition to the unconventional gas industry. 

“CSG and other forms of unconventional gas mining aren’t clean and aren’t safe and these dirty industries have no place on our food and fibre growing areas."

Further information: Phil Laird  0428 712 622

Link to the list of 53 councils that have already passed motions expressing concern at CSG or calling for CSG drilling to be banned:


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