Media Releases
Revealed: Upper Hunter mine will run aquifer dry
April 24, 2014
The Lock the Gate Alliance has commissioned new research into the availability of water in the Upper Hunter following revelations today that the Bylong Coal Project will not be able to meet its demand for water from an important alluvial aquifer.
Read MoreIPART will allow gas companies to slug consumers
April 23, 2014
IPART have released a draft report today proposing to allow gas companies to ramp up prices paid by NSW consumers from July. The report admits that prices are being increased because the export of coal seam gas from Queensland has linked domestic gas prices...
Read MoreMaules Creek Coal Mine: Police Roadblocks stop parishioners going to church on Good Friday
April 18, 2014
Maules Creek residents have been stopped from attending Good Friday Church services due to NSW Police road blocks near Boggabri in the north of the state. Long term Maules Creek resident and Boggabri Parishioner, Wilma Laird, was told to go home or make the...
Read MoreLock the Gate calls on new NSW Premier to clean out the lobbyists
April 17, 2014
The Lock the Gate Alliance has congratulated Mike Baird on becoming Premier of NSW, and called on him to immediately act on outstanding recommendations from the ICAC to clean up the systemic and corrupting influence of corporate lobbyists on policy.
Read MoreVandals? Miners need to look closer to home
April 17, 2014
By Phil Laird NSW Minerals Council head Stephen Galilee (The Australian, April 14, page 21) is right in calling for economic vandals to be jailed. The heads of some of the coal mining companies he represents could do with some time to reflect on...
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