Media Releases
Stop the North West coal seam gas pollution: pause the industry, say locals
June 13, 2013
The North West Alliance made up of 30 groups across the New England North West would like Minister Hartcher to STOP approving Santos coal seam gas wells and infrastructure until the current prosecution has been finalised.
Read MoreIt is broke and we want a say in how to fix it
June 10, 2013
For 22 years the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 (NSW) has sat unchanged. On 22 May 2013, Energy and Resources Minister Chris Hartcher introduced the Petroleum (Onshore) Amendment Bill 2013 into the Legislative Assembly. Mr Hartcher presented the amendments without the usual fanfare of NSW...
Read MoreCoalition betrays landowners again on Federal water Bill
May 15, 2013
The federal Coalition is today playing destructive games in the parliament, opposing Tony Windsor's amendment which effectively stops decisions about the impacts on water of coal and coal seam gas projects being handed back to the states. This amendment is important because the states...
Read MorePlanet Gas pulls out of New South Wales
May 14, 2013
The latest victim of landowner resistance to coal seam gas is Planet Gas which has announced its withdrawal from coal seam gas activities in the state under farm-in agreements with Leichhardt Resources. Planet Gas had tenements at Bylong, Shoalhaven and the north-west of NSW....
Read MoreA win today for a united community against coal seam gas
May 14, 2013
Landholders at Bellata, Gurley & Terry Hie Hie fighting against the renewal of coal seam gas licence PEL470 are celebrating tonight as news filters through that the farminee agreement between Leichhardt Resources Pty Ltd and Planet Gas Limited has ended. Planet Gas Limited announced...
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