Media Releases
Strategic Cropping Land is smoke and mirrors
May 31, 2011
Today's announcement of the state government's strategic cropping land legislation has no good news for most farmers. The legislation has all the weaknesses of previous discussion papers. These include: failure to include coal seam gas a an activity prohibited on cropping land criteria like...
Read MoreMajor gas blow-out at Dalby
May 23, 2011
There has been a major gas blowout at Arrow Energy's Daandine field 25 kilometres west of Dalby, The incident occurred yesterday at about 9 a.m. but was not reported to the landowner until 2 p.m. The gas and water spewed 100 metres into the...
Read MoreThousands rally in Murwillumbah
May 15, 2011
3,000 people marched through the streets at Murwillumbah in northern New South Wales on Saturday 14 May calling for the gate to be locked on the coal and coal seam gas industries right around the country.
Read MoreTime for Australian governments to ban fracking
May 11, 2011
The Lock the Gate Alliance has renewed calls to ban hydraulic fracturing ('fracking') in the coal seam gas industry in the light of a recent study in the US into the quality of drinking water that is in close proximity to gas wells. The...
Read MoreCall to ‘lock the gate’ on coal and coal seam gas in Gloucester
May 09, 2011
The Acting President of the national Lock the Gate Alliance Drew Hutton has given warning that the direct action seen in Queensland in recent weeks against the coal seam gas industry will be used in New South Wales if the O'Farrell Government maintains its...
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