Thanks for taking action! Could you do one more thing by making a very quick phone call or two?
Can you pick up the phone right now to tell the Qld Government they must not approve Adani’s final water plan?
Call Deputy Premier Jackie Trad: 07 3719 7100 Call Jamie Merrick: 07 3338 9304
The phone will be answered by a staff member. Please be polite but firm. They must not put ancient springs at risk by approving Adani’s water plan without adequate research.
We have some talking points below to to help you make the call. Once you've made the call, use the box below to tell us how it went...
Here are some talking points for calling the Deputy Premier, Jackie Trad:
Hi there, my name is XXX from YY, and I’m calling today to ask Jackie Trad as Deputy Premier to step in and ensure the draft Adani Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Management Plan is rejected by the Qld Government.
- I’d like to pass this message on to the Deputy Premier along with my name. Are you able to either transfer me across so speak to her, or take my message down in writing?
- It’s vital that new research recommended by Federal Government scientists on the risks to the ancient Doongmabulla Springs is completed before a decision is made on the management plan.
- This requires high resolution seismic surveys and deep water bores to be drilled to fully understand the risks to the Springs.
- The Springs are an extraordinary complex of 160 wetlands in a dry landscape, and it’s unacceptable to risk them drying up completely due to the Adani mega-mine.
- The recommendations for more research have come from the Federal Bioregional Assessment process which spent millions of dollars and was designed to assess the risks of mines on water resources.
- It would be an abject failure and a terrible waste of public money if these recommendations were ignored.
- I would also like to request that the Govt delay a decision on Adani’s Management Plan until the full investigation into alleged illegal drilling of groundwater bores has been completed.
Here are some talking points for calling the Director General of the Environment Department, Jamie Merrick:
Hi there, my name is XXX from YY, and I’m calling today to ask Jamie Merrick to reject the draft Adani Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Management Plan.
- I’d like to pass this message on to the James Merrick along with my name. Are you able to either transfer me across so speak to him, or take my message down in writing?
- It’s vital that new research recommended by Federal Government scientists on the risks to the ancient Doongmabulla Springs is completed before a decision is made on the management plan.
- This requires high resolution seismic surveys and deep water bores to be drilled to fully understand the risks to the Springs.
- The Springs are an extraordinary complex of 160 wetlands in a dry landscape, and it’s unacceptable to risk them drying up completely due to the Adani mega-mine.
- The recommendations for more research have come from the Federal Bioregional Assessment process which spent millions of dollars and was designed to assess the risks of mines on water resources.
- It would be an abject failure and a terrible waste of public money if these recommendations were ignored.
- The Govt should also delay a decision on Adani’s Management Plan until the full investigation into alleged illegal drilling of groundwater bores has been completed.