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Don’t frack Lake Eyre Basin floodplains

Last week it was revealed that the Queensland Government secretly approved petroleum leases across vast areas of the Lake Eyre Basin rivers and floodplains.

Watch grazier Angus Emmott explain the massive threat this poses to this global treasure, to Indigenous cultural heritage and to the chemical-free beef industry on ABC Breakfast.

Will you urgently call the Premier’s office today on  (07) 3719 7000? Please be polite.  The phone will be answered by someone in her office.  Ask them to take down your name and number and to pass on a message to the Premier.

Here are some points you can make:

  • You’re appalled by the Government’s decision to give Origin Energy fracking leases across vast areas of Lake Eyre Basin rivers and floodplains south of Windorah.
  • You’d like to know why they made this decision, given their repeated election promises to consult on protecting the area.
  • You’d also like to know why affected Traditional Owners and graziers were not consulted.
  • You are concerned about the severe damage that thousands of gas wells, and associated roads and pipelines, would do to these fragile wetlands.

  • Ask for an immediate moratorium on any further approvals of any kind for fracking in the Lake Eyre Basin floodplains and long-term legal protection to ban oil and gas on the floodplains.

Please leave us a message below to let us know how it went.

Send a message

Showing 30 reactions

  • Jules Morton
    commented 2022-11-17 15:40:29 +1100
    The staffer said that she couldn’t take down personal details like my name and number but that she would convey my message. I focused on Premier going back on her word, lack of consultation and the risks of damage that cannot be undone.
  • Lee Touzeau
    commented 2022-10-04 19:51:19 +1100
  • Nikola Ognyenovits
    commented 2022-06-12 11:00:03 +1000
  • Peter Dart
    commented 2022-01-19 16:40:02 +1100
    I went on for about 5 minutes mentioning the points above and indicating as well that i knew Stephen Miles having worked with him on conservation policy matters when we were both ACF Councillors, and that as a member of LEAN i was disappointed that the Labor Party announcements that the Channel country would not be opened up to gas mining it was doubly galling that this has now occurred. I mentioned that i was writing material about CSG and the effect this could have on the Darling Downs productivity and that i would be happy to respond to telephone calls and emails to my UQ address. The “operator” or note taker was very respectful and listened and typed furiously.
  • Lyn Fontanini
    commented 2022-01-19 14:11:08 +1100
    money,money,money, it’s a rich mans world. We have lost more species than any other country in the world, It has to stop.! Where are the

    entomology studies,? The flora studies, ? etc, etc, If Qld government thinks this is no mans land, they need to think again. Passing the phone calls on is not a win, win, situation for them or the Federal Government . Beyond belief !

    Lyn Fontanini, Dongara w.a.
  • serenity nile
    commented 2022-01-18 11:52:03 +1100
    I called her office 13th January and spoke with a nice young woman who noted all of my concerns.
  • Linda Bee
    commented 2022-01-17 18:35:03 +1100
    This is a very violent act upon nature and a region that is a national treasure and resource. Destruction ploys at play again in the name of the mighty dollar to the detriment of the local people’s and future generations.
  • Linda Bee
    commented 2022-01-17 18:34:06 +1100
    This is a very violent act upon nature and a region that is a national treasure and resource. Destruction ploys at play again in the name of the mighty dollar to the detriment of the local people’s and future generations.
  • Jan McNicol
    commented 2022-01-17 14:20:29 +1100
    “I’ll pass that on”
  • Lynette Leftwich
    commented 2022-01-17 13:13:17 +1100
    Lake Eyre basin??? unbelievable
  • Alessandro Silano
    commented 2022-01-15 14:45:57 +1100
  • Petrina Slaytor
    commented 2022-01-14 13:13:48 +1100
    “I’ll pass on your comments”
  • Christine Clarke
    commented 2022-01-14 10:53:13 +1100
    Lady acknowledged my concerns and opposition to the proposal and that my call would be noted.
  • David Marshall
    commented 2022-01-14 10:30:26 +1100
    I spoke with Sam, the Assistant & voiced my strong opposition to Gas Fracking & Gas Expansion in the Lake Eyre Basin. I stated that the ‘Gas Led Recovery’ is in fact a ‘Gas Led Environmental Disaster’!

    I asked WHY is the Government doing this as Gas Expansion is not inline with reducing Emissions & Climate Targets! I also asked WHY Traditional Owners & Graziers were NOT consulted?
  • Sally Wilson
    commented 2022-01-14 09:48:05 +1100
    These rivers in the Lake Eyre Basin are precious and pristine. We need to keep them this way and not have fracking in that area.
  • Caroline Sévilla
    commented 2022-01-13 20:24:21 +1100
  • Jesse Gore
    commented 2022-01-13 20:02:54 +1100
  • Janet Chard
    commented 2022-01-13 19:53:37 +1100
    PLEASE don’t allow fracking in the Lake Eyre Basin rivers and floodplains. PLEASE think of the consequences if this goes ahead, which will be an unmitigated disaster.
  • Murray Shields
    commented 2022-01-13 18:19:37 +1100
    I am appalled by the Government’s decision to give Origin Energy fracking leases across vast areas of Lake Eyre Basin rivers and floodplains south of Windorah.

    I’d like to know why you made this decision, given your repeated election promises to consult on protecting the area.

    I’d also like to know why affected Traditional Owners and graziers were not consulted.

    I am very concerned about the severe damage that thousands of gas wells, and associated roads and pipelines, would do to these fragile wetlands.
  • Richard Kite
    commented 2022-01-13 17:27:03 +1100
    I am appalled by the Government’s decision to give Origin Energy fracking leases across vast areas of Lake Eyre Basin rivers and floodplains south of Windorah.

    I’d like to know why you made this decision, given your repeated election promises to consult on protecting the area.

    I’d also like to know why affected Traditional Owners and graziers were not consulted.

    I am very concerned about the severe damage that thousands of gas wells, and associated roads and pipelines, would do to these fragile wetlands.
  • Bob Gra
    commented 2022-01-13 16:38:50 +1100
    I am normally a Labor voter and I care about our warming climate, cosequently I am appalled by the Government’s decision to give Origin Energy fracking leases across vast areas of Lake Eyre Basin rivers and floodplains south of Windorah.

    I am concerned about the severe damage that thousands of gas wells, and associated roads and pipelines, would do to these fragile wetlands.

    I would like to know why they made this decision, given their repeated election promises to consult on protecting the area.

    and I’d also like to know why affected Traditional Owners and graziers were not consulted.
  • Kristen Ripper
    commented 2022-01-13 16:29:08 +1100
    I phoned 13/1/2022 at about 3.22.

    The lady that took the call would not take my name and number for privacy reasons, however suggested I put my concerns in writing if I want my name attached.

    I asked them how my concerns would be noted, and she said that all calls are noted regarding subject matter and concern.
  • Kristen Ripper
    commented 2022-01-13 16:29:08 +1100
    I phoned 13/1/2022 at about 3.22.

    The lady that took the call would not take my name and number for privacy reasons, however suggested I put my concerns in writing if I want my name attached.

    I asked them how my concerns would be noted, and she said that all calls are noted regarding subject matter and concern.
  • Kristen Ripper
    commented 2022-01-13 16:28:36 +1100
    I phoned 13/1/2022 at about 3.22.

    The lady that took the call would not take my name and number for privacy reasons, however suggested I put my concerns in writing if I want my name attached.

    I asked them how my concerns would be noted, and she said that all calls are noted regarding subject matter and concern.
  • Gail Russell-Baker
    commented 2022-01-13 16:26:31 +1100
    I did I could only leave a message with my name and number. They rang me back and gave me the guy’s number to ring about this as the Premier doesn’t deal with this. I rang and left my number etc. they rang back and left a message to ring them again if I wanted information. I did got the same message. I got off the merry go round then. I’m not playing tag with idiots.

    I saw this on the ABC that this would pollute the atmosphere 6 months ago.
  • Victor and Marisa Harris
    commented 2022-01-13 16:15:16 +1100
  • Victor and Marisa Harris
    commented 2022-01-13 16:15:16 +1100
  • Victor and Marisa Harris
    commented 2022-01-13 16:15:15 +1100
  • Victor and Marisa Harris
    commented 2022-01-13 16:15:15 +1100
  • Victor and Marisa Harris
    commented 2022-01-13 16:15:15 +1100