Media Releases
Gloucester Blocks the Gate on AGL
December 05, 2011
A spontaneous blockade has been imposed on coal seam gas company AGL outside the Hunter Valley town of Gloucester. Local residents, alarmed at the entry of trucks carrying heavy equipment onto a local property where a coal seam gas rig was expected in the...
Read MoreLock the Gate president in court next Wednesday
December 01, 2011
President of the Lock the Gate Alliance, Drew Hutton, will appear in the Dalby Magistrates Court next Wednesday charged with obstructing a coal seam gas company. The court case is set down for the 7th and 8th December in the Dalby Magistrates Court, corner...
Read MoreLock the Gate vindicated by Senate inquiry: time for a royal commission
November 30, 2011
Today's release of the Senate MDBC committee into coal seam gas vindicates the stance taken by the Lock the Gate Alliance over the past twelve months. The report calls for such measures as a moratorium on all further approvals of CSG projects in the...
Read MoreLand and Environment Court decision shows mining law is unjust
November 29, 2011
Today's decision by the NSW Land and Environment Court meeting in Singleton to issue a court order granting coal mining company NuCoal access to the property of Jerrys Plains farmer Ian Moore shows how skewed the law is in relation to the rights of...
Read MoreCommunity support for Ian Moore at court case
November 28, 2011
Representatives from various groups in the Hunter Valley will gather at the Land and Environment Court at Singleton tomorrow (Tuesday) in support of blind farmer, Ian Moore, who is attempting to stop a coal mining company, NuCoal, from entering his property at Jerrys Plains....
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