Media Releases
Queensland Resources Council wants taxpayers to foot the Bill for cleaning up the mining mess it leves behind
May 16, 2016
The comments by the Queensland Resources Council in today’s Courier Mail show the industry is still unwilling to pay its fair share for mining rehabilitation, potentially leaving taxpayers to pay the cost for the associated environmental clean-up costs.
Read MoreEducation held to ransom in Giles’ desperate bid to push onshore gas fracking
May 16, 2016
A Facebook announcement by Chief Minister Adam Giles over the weekend for “Knowledge Territory,” promoting education vouchers if the Territory receives royalty payments from onshore gas fracking, is being described on his page as 'blackmail,' 'a con,' and 'holding our children’s education to ransom.'...
Read MoreResources Dept faux pas highlights need for no go zone for coal and gas
May 11, 2016
Lock the Gate says a NSW Mining Department brochure that was used to promote the Northern Rivers of NSW as a potential gas field to international buyers has caused shock and anguish in the region and highlights the urgent need for government policy to...
Read MoreNew National Mapping: 37% of Australia Earmarked for Coal and Gas as Federal Water4Life Campaign Launches
May 11, 2016
New national mapping of mining tenements across Australia released today reveals that 37.3% of the Australian continent is covered by coal and gas titles and applications. That amounts to 285 million hectares of land – an area 13 times the size of Great Britain....
Read MoreBREAKING: Court Stops Coal Explorer from Accessing Properties in Southern Highlands; Precedent Set for NSW
May 10, 2016
The Chief Justice of the NSW Land and Environment Court has this afternoon overturned a previous court decision and found in favour of 5 landholders in the Southern Highland who have been fighting to prevent a coal company from exploring on their properties.
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