Media Releases
Lock the Gate demands NSW Government meet Thursday deadline to change coal mining air quality and acquisition policy
June 28, 2016
Lock the Gate Alliance says the NSW Government has left rural landholders trapped with pollution that is damaging their health and ruining their lives as the result of a failed “Voluntary Acquisition Policy” for major mining projects introduced two years ago.
Read MoreFuture of Bylong and Wallarah 2 coal projects up in the air
June 28, 2016
The Korean Government has announced it will restructure state-owned resources companies KEPCO and Kores, in a move that casts serious doubts over the futures of the Bylong and Wallarah 2 coal projects in NSW.
Read MoreLock the Gate demands NSW Govt meets Thursday deadline to change mining air quality policy
June 28, 2016
Lock the Gate Alliance says the NSW Government has left rural landholders trapped with pollution that is damaging their health and ruining their lives as the result of a failed “Voluntary Acquisition Policy” for major mining projects introduced two years ago.
Read MoreSouth Australian Voters concerned about threats from Shale Gas Fracking support Moratorium: New Poll
June 21, 2016
South Australians want to heed the lessons from problems with shale gas fracking in the Eastern states, with an overwhelming majority of people concerned about the risk posed, according to a new poll released today.
Read MoreFirst ever legal challenge against major federal CSG approval: Santos' 6100 CSG well expansion in Queensland
June 16, 2016
The Western Downs Alliance has commenced legal proceedings which will challenge the Federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunts, approval of 6,100 CSG wells in Queensland.
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