Media Releases
Plans to Drill for CSG in Contaminated Zone at Hopeland Raises Ire of Landholder
May 10, 2016
Plans by Origin to move in and start CSG drilling in the area contaminated by Linc Energy’s underground coal gasification project has alarmed landholders, who have called for the Qld Government to step in and halt drilling.
Read MoreNSW CWA supports CSG moratorium, Baird increasingly out of touch with Rural Communities
May 05, 2016
The Lock the Gate Alliance congratulates the NSW Country Women’s Association for passing a motion yesterday supporting a moratorium on coal seam gas in NSW until it can be proven safe, and community health guaranteed.
Read MoreAhead of AGM, Santos shareholders air Home Truths about Coal Seam Gas
May 04, 2016
Santos shareholders from North West NSW, concerned about the reputational and financial risks of the Narrabri Gas Project have sent the company's top 100 investors a new report titled 'Home Truths' detailing why it should abandon the controversial project.
Read MoreGreg Hunt refuses to act, leaving Barnaby Joyce exposed on Shenhua
May 03, 2016
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce was talking tough over ‘stopping’ the Shenhua coal mine project, at exactly the same time as his Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt was ruling out revoking the mine’s licence to operate, according to the Lock the Gate Alliance (LTG)....
Read MoreNational Integrity Commission a must for Lock the Gate
April 28, 2016
Lock the Gate welcomes the Senate Inquiry relating to the establishment of a National Integrity Commission that is hearing evidence today in Sydney.
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