Media Releases
Revealed: NSW taxpayers missing out on $14M per annum as coal mines pollute for free
March 23, 2016
Lock the Gate Alliance has this morning released a report which calculates that NSW taxpayers are losing out on $14M each year because the coal mining industry is allowed to pollute for free.
Read MorePeabody bankruptcy threat must trigger coal industry closure plan
March 18, 2016
Peabody Energy, the world’s largest private-sector coal corporation, has indicated it may need to file for bankruptcy in the United States, triggering calls for intervention by Australian Governments (both state and Federal) to ensure Australian communities have support and programs to adjust and recover from the...
Read MoreDon't hand Industry unstoppable access to QLD's Ground water: Warns new radio ad campaign
March 17, 2016
A radio advertising campaign has just begun warning of Palaszczuk government plans to hand coal mining companies the right to take unlimited associated groundwater, without obtaining a water license. Frank Ashman, a beef farmer near the Acland coal mine on the Darling Downs, is concerned...
Read MoreWA Govt shows cavalier attitude to fracking with watering down of already weak recommendations
March 17, 2016
The Lock the Gate Alliance has labeled the state government’s response to a parliamentary inquiry into fracking in WA as “an attempt to water down already inadequate and weak recommendations.” Western Australian coordinator for Lock the Gate Boudicca Cerese said the government had only...
Read MoreNational Party exposed as farmers sold out for big mining, NSW anti-protest laws passage looms closer
March 16, 2016
The National Party has this week irrevocably taken the part of big mining giants over farmers and rural communities, as they moved ahead to pass anti-protest in the NSW Parliament that will mean landholders could face 7-year jail terms for locking their gates to...
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